Enter the gold amount you wish to sell in the sell order section.Enter the amount of gold you wish to sell and click sell OR Click orders.note the sell prices in silver of gold as this changes frequently.Order will be placed and fulfilled when next available.Enter the silver amount you wish to pay.Enter the gold amount you wish to buy in the buy order section.Enter the amount of gold you wish to purchase and click buy OR Click orders.note the buy prices in silver of gold as this changes frequently.If a player puts down an amount in the buy order that meets or exceeds the current buy price of gold, the order will be fulfilled automatically for the amount of gold requested or the amount of gold available up to that entered price, whichever comes first. Players can buy or sell gold immediately for the current amount of silver worth or place buy orders to put down the price at which they would like to purchase the gold. Buy and sell orders have a fee of 10 silver no matter the amount. Here you can place buy and sell orders as well and sell and buy Gold with Silver. Once you click this you will bring up the gold exchange interface. The easiest way is to simply open your character's inventory screen (Default hotkey "I") and locate the gold symbol/button above the silver amount. The Gold Exchange can be accessed from anywhere in the world or in any instanced area.